Last updated almost 2 years ago. What is this?

The term 'non-human world,' as framed by Bayo Akomolafe, refers to the intricate, vast, and dynamic networks of living beings, ecosystems, and entities that exist beyond the realm of human perception and dominion. It is a space teeming with vibrant life, intelligence, and agency—where the whispers of ancient forests, the murmurs of flowing rivers, and the silent energies of stones invite us to reconsider our anthropocentric narratives and acknowledge our deep entanglement with all that is. This world challenges the modernist separation between human and non-human, reminding us that we are participants in a larger cosmic dance, where every being, animate and inanimate, holds an intrinsic value and contributes to the intricate web of existence. It calls us to humility, offering a radical reimagining of our place within the Earth community.

See also: climate change, black bodies, white supremacy, indigenous traditions, late-stage capitalism

Bayo Akomolafe: How I Am Unlearning My Whiteness (May 2017) 6,345

"A New Activism" Webinar with Helena Norberg-Hodge and Bayo Akomolafe 1,529

Conversation Recap on BAYO AKOMOLAFE 159